Database Intervention Programs for People with Sensory Impairments

DIPPSI is meant as a tool for parents and professionals who look for an early intervention program. The data on the intervention programs comes from student assignments in a course on developmental disabilities at Radboud University. The content is brief and for some topics affected by the subjective interpretation of the student. If you encounter mistakes or omissions, please contact us. Also for questions, suggestions and complaints, use the tab suggest program or send an email directly to [email protected]. We have no commercial interest in the programs described in DIPPSI and it is not possible to order programs from this website.

Radboud University

Behavioural Science Institute - Department of Pedagogical and Educational Science

PO Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen

The Netherlands

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: + 31 24 361 60 47

The initial website was developed as part of a learning project by students from Avans university of applied science, department of computer science: Stef Bakker, Nick van Ballegooijen, Lennart Bronner, Jordy van Ekelen, Sam Fober, Rade Grbic, Melvin Mol. Final editing and programming: Gideon Hoogeveen

The intervention programs collected by students were checked and edited by: Loes de Leijer, Franka Witlox, Sena Öz, Mathijs Vervloed.

This website has been supported financially by a grant from Stichting ter verbetering van het lot der blinden [foundation for the enhancement of the fate of the blind]